Who says fishing is boring.......................

By  Jacko

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As I sat their last week watching TV, I was thinking of what I could do to start the ball rolling on the articles section of the new site, " How can you write about fishing? nothing happens, it's boring" said the wife with her normal diplomatic style. Just as I was about to launch an offensive the phone rang "Jacko, it's Pinky, how do you fancy a couple of days Carping at Felthorpe? It's fishing well apparently" Well before you can say " I fear a blank" the trip was organised for the next day. The next day came and all tackle was loaded into the car and we were off ...... I thought! "Shit, I have left my cooking gear at home!" Pinky screamed. A good start... not, he lives 20 miles away! Well off we trundled to sunny Cromer, picked up the cooking gear and at 1600 hours we finally arrived at a packed lake, with anglers in our booked swims! "How long are you staying lads?" I asked "Till tomorrow" the Neanderthal answered. Bloody great. Anyway a quick "Get out of them swims, I told you they were booked" from the Bailiff and we were sorted. Bivvies were up in record time, weather was perfect, fish crashing over my swim and the rest of the lake emptied within the first hour, everything was perfect, what could go wrong?  Well to be honest ..... Everything! Before I could get the first load of pellet and hemp loaded into the Viper I heard  "For F*** Sake!" from pinky "What?" I asked. No reply.... "Pinky, what's up!"

" My F*****g" Bed chair has snapped, that's what!" Well laugh, I couldn't help it! The chair had snapped at the joint, a bloody JRC as well. Well as it turned out, it was me that had done the damage! I had borrowed it a couple of days earlier for a session on the River Nene, and I hadn't noticed that it had snapped (Well that's my excuse and I am sticking to it!) So that was Pinky off on one for the next couple of hours! It didn't help that whilst in mid apology my left hand rod screamed off! "You lucky W****r!" exclaimed a now slightly fed up Pinky! 5 minutes later the dictators had dragged a nice Mirror to the net, it weighed in at 13lb, not massive but not a bad start (Fishing wise anyway) The fish was returned and I got back to my groveling "Sorry mate, I will pay for the damage" "whatever" was all he could muster! Anyway he was soon back to his normal self, miserable! The rest of the rods were baited and conveyed to there spots under the overhanging bushes, the viper doing all the work, and we were settling down when the Bailiff approached us "I am off now lads, I will lock the gate behind me" great we were the only ones on the lake. Well it was now cracking on for 2030 hours and Pinky was getting more and more frustrated with the fishing, Carp were crashing all over his bait, his alarms were bleeping with constant line bites and my god was he annoyed! Then as I said "Perhaps a pop-up would get them to take" his alarm screamed off, as he hit it the fish kited straight in between the 2 islands and about 3 frantic minutes later 'Twang' game over, the hook pulled! "B*****d! I don't f****** believe it" By this time I was crying with laughter, on the inside! "Never mind mate, we will get more runs" Well I tried. More ranting and raving, although it was all over in five minutes and he was calm again. We had a brew and I set up a little float rod, I then persisted to catch some lovely Rudd to a 1lb and loads of Perch and small Tench until dark. I then noticed a nice Common taking baits in the margins, before you could say "That's a good un'" I was off with a stalking rod! Only seconds later... Bang! I was in, the fish shot off like it was possessed. Pinky was still on the other bank and as much as I shouted "Pinky, bring me the bloody landing net!" he could not hear (Well so he say's) I know, I know I should of took it with me, but I forgot in the rush to get there before it bogged off. Anyway I had managed to tire it out enough to try and hand it out, which I did .... to a degree ..... well....... Well I lost my bloody footing and fell in ok! All I could hear was a "Ah,Ah,Ah bloody great!"  Funny how he could hear that isn't it! But I wont dwell on that little incident to much! A stir-Fry and a beer later and bed time arrived, before to long I had got myself comfortable and z's were imminent. But then.... Crack! I couldn't believe it, my bloody bed chair had collapsed! Luckily there was no lasting damage and I was soon struggling back into my sleeping bag. Well the next thing I can remember was the screaming of Pinky's alarm, a glance at my watch told me it was 0130. "Jacko, get the net!!" So out I crawled from the comfort of my bivvy, crack! I was on my arse again and this time I couldn't get up! I was wedged into the corner of my bivvy, it was now my turn to be grumpy! I was bleeding fuming! "F****** thing! What's up with it!" All I could hear was Pinky laughing whilst playing a fish "Hurry up will you!" Before long a lovely looking fish was in the net, and it looked like a nice ghostie, head torches confirmed that Pinky's target for the season (A 20lb Ghostie) could be on the cards. Five minutes later and the fish was weighed in at 23lb, Pinky was an happy man! The rest of the night went quietly and I was awoken at 0530 with a cup of tea by Pinky looking very please with himself! The day started hot and gradually got hotter and by 1200 hours it was in the eighties, lovely if you hadn't forgotten the sun cream! I was burnt to a crisp and very sore! The fish didn't want to know either, we were reduced to catching bloody Rudd off the top with bits of bread. We had thoroughly had enough and two hours later we were packed up. An eventful session but pretty good fishing (Float wise anyway). Maybe next time we can manage a nice relaxing couple of days! 

Felthorpe Lakes

A lovely complex set in the heart of Norfolk. The complex consists of  a 5 acre Specimen Carp lake, a pleasure lake (Bob's lake) and a match lake. The venue has just been taken over and you can see the improvements, new car park, toilets and the lake has been tidied up. They have plans for a restaurant and shower block in the next 12 months. The lakes are stocked to the brim with quality Carp, Tench, Roach and Rudd. The fishery is closed on Thursday's. Prices are £5-00 per day for 1 rod and maximum of 3 rods are allowed.